Creating a symbolic analyzer for JVM bytecode

    The link to the project repository will be added later, as the project has not been announced yet.

    Use case

    To develop a symbolic analyzer for JVM bytecode, one needs to get the three-address code intermediate representation (3-address code IR) for each method in a program. Here is how it can be implemented using the JacoDB and KSMT libraries.


    Firstly, we need to get the 3-address code IR for a method. JacoDB has its own 3-address code IR similar to Jimple.

    val jcClass = TODO("obtain target class somehow")
    val method = jcClass.declaredMethods.first { == TODO("Target method name") }
    val instList = method.instList // 3-address IR

    Secondly, we need a symbolic state:

    data class State(
        val path: List<JcInst>, // Execution path
        val memory: Map<String, KExpr<out KSort>>, // Symbolic memory
        val pathCondition: List<KExpr<KBoolSort>>, // Path condition

    To interpret a symbolic state, we need to take the last instruction in the path and process it accordingly to its type:

    fun interpret(state: State): Collection<State> {
        // 0. Get the last instruction in the path
        val inst = state.path.last()
        // 1. Process the last instruction symbolically
        return when (inst) {
            is JcAssignInst -> interpretAssignInst(state, inst) // Assign instruction, i.e. n = i + 42;
            is JcIfInst -> interpretIfStmt(state, inst) // Branching instruction, i.e. if (n == 101)
            else -> TODO("Process other instructions as well")

    For example, to process the assign statement, we need to resolve the right operand of the assign instruction (symbolic expression) and the left operand of the assign operation (memory location):

    private fun interpretAssignInst(state: State, inst: JcAssignInst): Collection<State> {
        // 0. We need to resolve symbolic expression from [inst.rhv]
        val expr = resolveExpr(state, inst.rhv)
        // 1. We need to write the [expr] to the symbolic memory
        val nextState = when (val lhv = inst.lhv) {
            is JcLocalVar -> {
                // find the next instruction
                val nextInst = inst.location.method.instList[inst.location.lineNumber + 1]
                    // update the symbolic memory with the new write
                    memory = state.memory + ( to expr),
                    // update the execution path
                    path = state.path + nextInst
            else -> TODO("Process other JcValues as well")
        return listOf(nextState)

    Resolving JcExpr is straightforward. We match on the expression type and use KSMT builder functions.

    private fun resolveExpr(state: State, expr: JcExpr): KExpr<out KSort> =
        when (expr) {
            is JcAddExpr -> {
                // resolve the left operand recursively
                val leftOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.lhv) as KExpr<KBvSort>
                // resolve the right operand recursively
                val rightOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.rhv) as KExpr<KBvSort>
                // make a symbolic add expression with KSMT builder functions
                leftOperand.ctx.mkBvAddExpr(leftOperand, rightOperand)
            // resolve an int constant
            is JcInt -> ctx.mkBv(expr.value, 32U)
            is JcEqExpr -> {
                // resolve the left operand recursively
                val leftOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.lhv)
                // resolve the right operand recursively
                val rightOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.rhv)
                // make a symbolic eq expression with KSMT builder functions
                when (leftOperand.sort) {
                    // both operands of the boolean sort
                    is KBoolSort -> leftOperand.ctx.mkEq(
                        leftOperand as KExpr<KBoolSort>,
                        rightOperand as KExpr<KBoolSort>
                    // both operands of the bv sort
                    is KBoolSort -> leftOperand.ctx.mkEq(
                        leftOperand as KExpr<KBvSort>,
                        rightOperand as KExpr<KBvSort>
                    else -> TODO("Process other sorts as well")
            is JcLocalVar -> state.memory.getValue( // get the variable from the current symbolic memory
            else -> TODO("Process other JcExprs as well")

    To process the branching instruction, we need to resolve a symbolic condition and use the solver to check both condition and !condition.

    private fun interpretIfStmt(state: State, inst: JcIfInst): Collection<State> {
        val nextStates = mutableListOf<State>()
        // 0. We need to resolve symbolic condition, which should be of the boolean sort
        val expr = resolveExpr(state, inst.condition) as KExpr<KBoolSort>
        // 1. Resolve the positive branch
        val positivePathCondition = state.pathCondition + expr
        // 1.0. Check for satisfiability
        if (solver.check(positivePathCondition)) {
            // 1.1. Find the positive instruction
            val positiveInst = inst.location.method.instList[inst.trueBranch.index]
            // 1.2. Add the instruction to the path
            val positivePath = state.path + positiveInst
            // 1.3. Add the positive state to the result list
            val positiveState = state.copy(path = positivePath, pathCondition = positivePathCondition)
            nextStates += positiveState
        // 2. Resolve the negative branch
        val negativePathCondition = state.pathCondition + { ctx.mkNot(this) }
        // 1.0. Check for satisfiability
        if (solver.check(negativePathCondition)) {
            // 2.1. Find the negative instruction
            val negativeInst = inst.location.method.instList[inst.falseBranch.index]
            // 2.2. Add the instruction to the path
            val negativePath = state.path + negativeInst
            // 2.3. Add the negative state to the result list
            val negativeState = state.copy(path = negativePath, pathCondition = negativePathCondition)
            nextStates += negativeState
        // 3. Return the result states
        return nextStates

    The complete code example can be found below:

    package org.jacodb.example
    import io.ksmt.KContext
    import io.ksmt.expr.KExpr
    import io.ksmt.sort.KBoolSort
    import io.ksmt.sort.KBvSort
    import io.ksmt.sort.KSort
    import org.jacodb.api.JcMethod
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcAddExpr
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcAssignInst
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcEqExpr
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcExpr
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcIfInst
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcInst
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcInt
    import org.jacodb.api.cfg.JcLocalVar
     * A data class, representing symbolic state.
     * Let's assume we use KSMT for storing symbolic expressions.
    data class State(
        val path: List<JcInst>, // Execution path
        val memory: Map<String, KExpr<out KSort>>, // Symbolic memory
        val pathCondition: List<KExpr<KBoolSort>>, // Path condition
     * A solver interface
    interface Solver {
         * @return true, if [pathCondition] is satisfiable, and false otherwise.
        fun check(pathCondition: List<KExpr<KBoolSort>>): Boolean
    class Analyzer(
        ctx: KContext,
        solver: Solver,
    ) {
        // 0.1. Initialize an interpreter
        private val interpreter = Interpreter(solver, ctx)
        fun analyze(method: JcMethod) {
            // 1.0. Find the first instruction
            val inst = method.instList.first()
            // 1.1. Initialize an initial symbolic state
            val initialState = State(listOf(inst), emptyMap(), emptyList())
            // 1.2. Add the initial state to the BFS-order queue
            val queue = ArrayDeque(listOf(initialState))
            while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
                // 2.0. Pop the next state from the queue
                val state = queue.removeFirst()
                // 2.1 Interpret the state symbolically and obtain next states
                val nextStates = interpreter.interpret(state)
                // 2.2. here you can check **interesting** states and do something with them
                // your own code
     * An example interpreter.
    class Interpreter(
        val solver: Solver,
        val ctx: KContext,
    ) {
         * Takes a [state] and returns the next states.
        fun interpret(state: State): Collection<State> {
            // 0. Get the last instruction in the path
            val inst = state.path.last()
            // 1. Process the last instruction symbolically
            return when (inst) {
                is JcAssignInst -> interpretAssignInst(state, inst) // Assign instruction, i.e. n = i + 42;
                is JcIfInst -> interpretIfStmt(state, inst) // Branching instruction, i.e. if (n == 101)
                else -> TODO("Process other instructions as well")
        private fun interpretAssignInst(state: State, inst: JcAssignInst): Collection<State> {
            // 0. We need to resolve symbolic expression from [inst.rhv]
            val expr = resolveExpr(state, inst.rhv)
            // 1. We need to write the [expr] to the symbolic memory
            val nextState = when (val lhv = inst.lhv) {
                is JcLocalVar -> {
                    // find the next instruction
                    val nextInst = inst.location.method.instList[inst.location.lineNumber + 1]
                        // update the symbolic memory with the new write
                        memory = state.memory + ( to expr),
                        // update the execution path
                        path = state.path + nextInst
                else -> TODO("Process other JcValues as well")
            return listOf(nextState)
        private fun interpretIfStmt(state: State, inst: JcIfInst): Collection<State> {
            val nextStates = mutableListOf<State>()
            // 0. We need to resolve symbolic condition, which should be of the boolean sort
            val expr = resolveExpr(state, inst.condition) as KExpr<KBoolSort>
            // 1. Resolve the positive branch
            val positivePathCondition = state.pathCondition + expr
            // 1.0. Check for satisfiability
            if (solver.check(positivePathCondition)) {
                // 1.1. Find the positive instruction
                val positiveInst = inst.location.method.instList[inst.trueBranch.index]
                // 1.2. Add the instruction to the path
                val positivePath = state.path + positiveInst
                // 1.3. Add the positive state to the result list
                val positiveState = state.copy(path = positivePath, pathCondition = positivePathCondition)
                nextStates += positiveState
            // 2. Resolve the negative branch
            val negativePathCondition = state.pathCondition + { ctx.mkNot(this) }
            // 1.0. Check for satisfiability
            if (solver.check(negativePathCondition)) {
                // 2.1. Find the negative instruction
                val negativeInst = inst.location.method.instList[inst.falseBranch.index]
                // 2.2. Add the instruction to the path
                val negativePath = state.path + negativeInst
                // 2.3. Add the negative state to the result list
                val negativeState = state.copy(path = negativePath, pathCondition = negativePathCondition)
                nextStates += negativeState
            // 3. Return the result states
            return nextStates
         * Resolves an [expr] inside of a [state] into symbolic representation [KExpr] of some sort.
        private fun resolveExpr(state: State, expr: JcExpr): KExpr<out KSort> =
            when (expr) {
                is JcAddExpr -> {
                    // resolve the left operand recursively
                    val leftOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.lhv) as KExpr<KBvSort>
                    // resolve the right operand recursively
                    val rightOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.rhv) as KExpr<KBvSort>
                    // make a symbolic add expression with KSMT builder functions
                    leftOperand.ctx.mkBvAddExpr(leftOperand, rightOperand)
                // resolve int constant
                is JcInt -> ctx.mkBv(expr.value, 32U)
                is JcEqExpr -> {
                    // resolve the left operand recursively
                    val leftOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.lhv)
                    // resolve the right operand recursively
                    val rightOperand = resolveExpr(state, expr.rhv)
                    // make a symbolic eq expression with KSMT builder functions
                    when (leftOperand.sort) {
                        // both operands of the boolean sort
                        is KBoolSort -> leftOperand.ctx.mkEq(
                            leftOperand as KExpr<KBoolSort>,
                            rightOperand as KExpr<KBoolSort>
                        // both operands of the bv sort
                        is KBoolSort -> leftOperand.ctx.mkEq(
                            leftOperand as KExpr<KBvSort>,
                            rightOperand as KExpr<KBvSort>
                        else -> TODO("Process other sorts as well")
                is JcLocalVar -> state.memory.getValue( // get the variable from the current symbolic memory
                else -> TODO("Process other JcExprs as well")